Inspired by football legends

Inspired by football legends

Shipments 48/72h peninsula and Balearic Islands

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C/ Heros 28 - 6th Floor LEFT

48009 - Bilbao (Bizkaia) - Spain

Email: [email protected].

CIF B-95754545


Information collected

You can access our website anonymously. If you choose to register on our website, two categories of data will be processed on your behalf:

Identification data. When you register on our site, make a purchase, subscribe to our newsletter or respond to a survey, basic contact information will be collected, such as your first and last name, email address, address, telephone number, etc. telephone number, purchase order number, email address of the recipient of the purchase invoice and encrypted data related to the credit card or bank account.

Data generated by the system. Our service automatically stores metadata based on other types of data, such as subscription data, including the start date and the last invoice date. Invoices issued in relation to purchased products are stored for you to access.

COOLLIGAN will keep you informed, by email, about relevant changes related to our services, such as the implementation of additional functions, only if you expressly subscribe to our newsletter.

Purposes of the information

COOLLIGAN states that the information we collect from you has the following purposes:

  • To personalize your experience (this information will help COOLLIGAN better serve your individual needs).
  • To improve our website.
  • To identify you as a contracting party.
  • To establish a communication channel with you.
  • Allow us to issue valid VAT invoices and process transactions (COOLLIGAN reminds you that your information, without your consent, will not be sold, transferred, given and/or exchanged to any other entity for any reason other than to provide the requested service).
  • To allow the management of subscriptions to our communication channels with you.
  • Provide you with information about your choices and preferences as a user.
  • To send periodic emails (in this sense, the email address provided by you will be used to process orders and purchases and also to send you information and updates related to your order, as well as receive updates, products, occasional news, etc. from COOLLIGAN, in the only case that you have expressly and previously accepted them. In any case, if you wish to unsubscribe from future emails, you can cancel their sending through the pre-established channels for this purpose and indicated from time to time. in this Privacy Policy).

Legal Basis

  1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

This Privacy Policy is adapted to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and free circulation of this data. The legal basis for the treatment and processing of your personal data is your express consent, the fact that the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party or to carry out certain actions and/or measures when you so require. request before entering into the contract. If the data processing is based on your express consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting COOLLIGAN through the channels provided in this Privacy Policy.

  1. Obligation to provide the requested data

In order to optimally execute the contract related to the purchase and acquisition of our products, you must provide us with the required personal data.

COOLLIGAN states that if you do not provide all the requested information, we will not be able to proceed to offer you our services/products.

  1. Minors

COOLLIGAN scrupulously complies with the requirements stipulated in the aforementioned European regulations regarding data protection of minors, which is why we do not intentionally collect any information from minors under 14 years of age. This website, the purchase of our products and the use of our services are intended only for people over 14 years of age.

How we protect your information

COOLLIGAN implements physical, technical and organizational measures to maintain the security of your personal data and seek to minimize the possibility of accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized use, alteration, unauthorized modification, disclosure and/or access, as well as any other illegal form of processing your data.

  1. Availability

COOLLIGAN uses the necessary tools to guarantee high availability of our web services, but cannot guarantee their total availability. Physical security is maintained by COOLLIGAN subcontractors, who meet industry standards for physical security and availability

  1. Integrity

To ensure the integrity of your personal information, all data transits are appropriately encrypted to align with practices to protect confidentiality and data integrity. In this sense, all credit card information supplied by you is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, and is subsequently encrypted in the database of our payment gateway provider, with the intention that Only those who are duly authorized to access said systems can access this data.

  1. Confidentiality

All COOLLIGAN staff are subject to total confidentiality in relation to the processing of your personal data. Likewise, any subcontractor and sub-processor of your data must sign a full confidentiality agreement in order to operate with COOLLIGAN.

Authorized personnel can only access your personal data over an encrypted connection. To access your personal data, you must first authorize the IP address of the authorized personnel who accesses it.

Any device used by COOLLIGAN to access your personal data is protected and has COOLLIGAN's corporate antivirus solution installed. Likewise, if personal data is temporarily stored on an electronic device other than the usual one, the device's storage unit must also be encrypted.

In this sense, all those local devices, which temporarily store personal data, are under uninterrupted supervision, and located in a closed cabinet.

COOLLIGAN states that your personal data is never stored on mobile devices, such as USB flash drives, CDs or DVDs.

  1. Transparency

COOLLIGAN will keep you informed at all times about changes to our procedures to protect the privacy and security of your personal data, including practices, protocols and policies. You can request to know, at any time, where and how your personal data is stored, protected and used. COOLLIGAN will provide, upon request, summaries of any independent audit carried out on our services, whenever this is possible and does not entail an excessive and unaffordable cost for COOLLIGAN.

  1. Isolation

COOLLIGAN states that all access to personal data is blocked by default, and that we use a "zero privileges" policy. Based on this policy, access to personal data is restricted exclusively to individually authorized personnel.

  1. Ability to intervene

COOLLIGAN facilitates your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, blocking, objection and portability and offers you the possibility to object when COOLLIGAN plans to implement changes in business practices and web policies. Overall responsibility for data security lies with the COOLLIGAN Security Manager, who trains and updates all staff on the security measures described in the COOLLIGAN security policy and this privacy policy.

  1. Notice of personal data breach/security breaches

The violation of personal data implies a violation of the security of COOLLIGAN's information systems that causes or may cause the destruction, alteration, loss, unauthorized disclosure or access, accidental or not, to the personal data transmitted, stored or processed related to it. with the provision of our services.

In the event that your personal data is compromised in any way, COOLLIGAN will proceed to notify you in a timely manner, if required by current regulations. Likewise, COOLLIGAN will proceed to notify the security breach to the competent authorities within a maximum period of 72 hours. In the event that we must notify you of the violation of your personal data resulting from a security breach, we will inform you of the scope of the breach, the data that has been affected, the impact suffered on the service as well as the mitigation plan and measures. protections established to limit potential negative effects on your personal data.

Recipients. Disclosure of information to third parties

COOLLIGAN states that it does not sell, transfer and/or exchange your personal data with unauthorized third parties. This point does not include those third parties or subcontractors identified and duly authorized by you who help us manage this website and provide our services to you. These trusted third parties may have access to personal data for information needs, and are contractually obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided.

COOLLIGAN states that it may disclose some of your personal information (personal data) when we believe it is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our website policies, or to protect the security of our systems. In addition, personal data may be provided to other third parties for marketing, advertising or other purposes, subject to your express authorization.

In order to offer you Alma payment methods, it is possible that in the
payment, we may pass your personal data in the form of contact and order details to Alma, in order for Alma to assess whether you are suitable for its payment methods.
payment methods and adapt those payment methods for you. Your personal information
transferred are processed in accordance with Alma's own privacy notice."

  1. Subcontractors/trusted third parties

Subcontractors are monitored and audited and act as processors of your personal data.

COOLLIGAN will supervise, to the extent of its possibilities, the maintenance by subcontractors and subprocessors of the aforementioned standards and audits to ensure that the stipulated requirements regarding data protection are met.

  1. Legally Required Disclosure

COOLLIGAN undertakes not to disclose your personal data, except when stipulated by current regulations or a judicial decision, which requires us to provide the State Security Forces and Bodies with some or all of your personal data in our possession. COOLLIGAN will only disclose specific data required by a binding judicial or police request.

If we are forced to disclose any of your personal data, by legal or judicial requirement, we will notify you immediately and provide you with a copy of the aforementioned requirement, unless there is a legal prohibition on notifying it.

Links to third party websites

COOLLIGAN may include or offer third party products or services on this website. These third-party websites have privacy policies that are independent of this privacy policy, so COOLLIGAN assumes no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of linked websites. Despite this, and to guarantee the integrity of this website, we welcome any comments or references regarding the regulatory compliance of third-party websites linked to our website.

Where we store information

COOLLIGAN states that it does not transfer, make backup copies, or recover any personal data stored outside the territory of the European Union.

  1. Location of personal data

All your personal data is stored in databases and file repositories hosted on the COOLLIGAN server, with registered office at….

COOLLIGAN makes, through its trusted provider, backup copies of the databases it manages in order to allow the restoration of information at any time.

  1. Installing software on the client system in the cloud

To use the COOLLIGAN website you do not need to install software of any kind. You can access our website through a standard web browser.

Access, data portability, migration and transfer assistance

You can obtain, at any time you deem appropriate, confirmation from COOLLIGAN as to whether your personal data is being processed by us or not.

At any time you can request a complete data copy, which you can transmit to another data controller. Your data will be delivered to you in a common format within 1 month, extendable to 2 months in case of complex requests.

Request for rectification, restriction or deletion of personal data

  1. Rectification

You may, at any time, obtain from COOLLIGAN, without undue delay, a rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you.

  1. Restriction of processing of personal data

You can request at any time that COOLLIGAN restrict the processing of your personal data when one of the following cases occurs:

When you dispute the accuracy of the personal data for a period that allows COOLLIGAN to verify its accuracy.

When the processing of your personal data is illegal under current legislation and you choose to restrict its use instead of deleting it.

When you require your personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, even though COOLLIGAN will no longer process them and, without your request, will proceed to delete them.

  1. Elimination

If you wish, you can request the deletion of your personal data and COOLLIGAN must delete them without undue delay when any of the following cases occur:

When the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or processed.

If you proceed to withdraw the consent on which the processing of the aforementioned data is based, and there is no other legal basis for the processing of the same.

When you object to the processing because it is for the purpose of direct marketing of products.

When personal data has been processed illegally.

When the data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation at community and/or national level.

  1. Where to exercise these rights

You can exercise the aforementioned rights before COOLLIGAN Sl. sending your request to the postal address…

Data retention and preservation

  1. Data retention policy

Data relating to purchase and rental transactions that generate invoices will be kept until the contractual relationship ends and, subsequently, during the legally required periods. Configuration data and system-generated data will be deleted immediately when you cancel the user account.

  1. Data retention to comply with legal requirements

COOLLIGAN is obliged by data protection legislation to comply with the retention periods of personal data established by law, except for the reasons for deletion established in accordance with the clause.

  1. Restoration or deletion of data

COOLLIGAN will not retain any data, except account data, after termination of the contract. You can request a copy of the data before termination of the contract. You should not cancel your account until you have been provided with a copy of your personal data.


COOLLIGAN logs system updates, page configuration changes, and access to provide an audit trail if unauthorized or accidental changes are made.


COOLLIGAN expresses its willingness to cooperate with you in compliance with the applicable data protection provisions, in particular to effectively guarantee the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, deletion, blocking and opposition, as well as the management of incidents of security.


We strongly recommend that you also visit the General Contract Conditions, Legal Notice, How to Buy and Cookies Policy sections that regulate, among many other aspects, the use, waivers and limitations of liability that govern this website.

Consent and changes to our privacy policy

By accessing this website you accept this privacy policy. This privacy policy may be modified, so it is your obligation to review it periodically. When changes occur in the privacy policy COOLLIGAN will update the modification date of the same.


When you deem it appropriate, you can always file a claim regarding the collection and processing of your personal data by COOLLIGAN before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD):

Spanish Data Protection Agency

C/ Jorge Juan, 6


901 100 099

91 266 35 17


A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the user's terminal (a computer, a mobile phone, an electronic tablet, etc.) when the user accesses certain web pages. Cookies allow these web pages, among other things, to monitor, store and retrieve information about the user's browsing habits (for example, preferences, profile, access codes, etc.) as well as obtain technical information related to the navigability of the website. the webpages. Cookies also contribute to the functionality, usability and accessibility of web pages.

Types of cookies

Depending on the function and purpose of cookies, there are several types:

  • Analytics. These cookies collect information with the purpose of allowing websites to carry out an evaluation of users' use of the website and their general activity, as well as to compile statistical data. Analytical cookies measure and collect website data (pages viewed, visits, traffic parameters, clicks made, etc.) to understand and optimize the website.
  • Advertising and behavioral cookies. These cookies collect information about the user's browsing habits, as well as their behavior while browsing, with the purpose of identifying preferences, habits and tastes within a specific website. These cookies allow the advertising content to be adapted based on the analysis carried out of the user's browsing habits and deducing the user's characteristics such as location, age group, gender, etc.
  • Techniques. Cookies are strictly necessary for the functionality and navigability of a website; they allow the user to navigate through said page or application and use its different options or services.
  • Social. They are necessary for external social networks (Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok.). Its function is to control the interaction with social widgets within a web page.
  • Personalization cookies. These are cookies that allow websites to retain certain preferences (for example, language, country, regional configuration, etc.) predefined by the user on their first and subsequent visits to the website.
  • Third party cookies. Third-party cookies are owned by third parties, and are used by websites in order to manage and improve the content and services offered.

What Cookies does our website use?

Our website uses its own and third-party cookies.

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is placed on your computer.

These cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of the website and help us provide you with a good experience when browsing our website, as well as improve it.

Our site includes functionality provided by third parties.

Third party cookies

On some web pages, third-party cookies may be installed that allow you to manage and improve the services offered.

To manage cookie activity from your computer, you can block or delete them. Otherwise, browsing the website implies acceptance of their use as stated.

To carry out cookie management you must follow the following instructions:

  • Internet Explorer : Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings. For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or browser Help.
  • Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings. For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or the browser Help.
  • Chrome : Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, you can consult Google support or browser Help.
  • Safari : Preferences -> Security. For more information, you can consult Apple Support or Browser Help.

Disabling these cookies will likely prevent the functions offered by these services. You can delete and block all cookies from this site, but parts of the site will not function properly.

Purposes of cookies on our site

  • Techniques and customization. We use cookies that maintain the user's status across different page requests.
  • Third party analysis or statistics. We use third party services such as Google.
  • Social networks. To show content from our accounts, and share on social networks.

More information about Cookies

To obtain more information about cookies, the User can visit the All About website, accessible through this link